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The original idea was a roundup of 2016 – useful resources, inspiration and things to look forward to. Maybe it’s because this had been a weird year for most of us, and maybe it’s because one could easily find more complete roundups on more well-known design sites, but I couldn’t do it. The reason is that I work damn hard, all I have ever wanted to be is a good designer. To lead interesting and original brands into the limelight and share their stories in the best way I can. And right when I think I’m doing an alright job, I go ahead and find my anti-hero.

"I looked around for a job, but saw my husband, Jon, selling cars and thought, I can do better than him. So I did."

This mysterious web designer is a car salesmen in the United Kingdom, Ling Valentine. Yup, I said that right. You can find her at Yeah, if you didn’t see that one coming, imagine how I felt.

While I know it’s a stunt to gain some attention, and the idea of a “90s GeoCities page” theme is pretty damn funny, I still have to admit I’m blown away. Just when you think you’re on your way, someone comes along, breaks all the rules and creates something completely unique.

So here’s to 2016, one maelstrom of a year if there ever was one.

Christian Schulz

Author Christian Schulz

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